
5 Things They Should Teach In High School

My last column was about the demise of cursive writing, how many school districts are phasing out longhand in favor of teaching kids how to type on keyboards. I’ll begrudging admit it makes sense – everybody needs to know computer basics these days. But it got me thinking about other changes that are needed in… Continue reading 5 Things They Should Teach In High School

On Writing

Sex, Drugs, Rock ‘n Roll, and Tentacles! or Why My Debut Novel Sucks

Hey, I wrote a novel. It’s called Hangman’s Jam, and it’s awesome, probably the best book ever written, and definitely the best book you will ever read. It’s packed with love, sex, death, murder, music, mayhem, and cosmic monsters. Check it out for yourself. But first, let me tell you what blows about my debut… Continue reading Sex, Drugs, Rock ‘n Roll, and Tentacles! or Why My Debut Novel Sucks

Religion & Spirituality

A New Year, A New Attitude, A New You — 5 Easy Steps

I published this feel-good, self improvement piece in January 2009. I thought it was pretty schmaltzy, but people seemed to like it, so here it is. The advice is still sound, and will work just as well for you in 2013 as it did in 2009…probably even better! (Your results may vary.) Happy New Year… Continue reading A New Year, A New Attitude, A New You — 5 Easy Steps